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Table 3 Participant experience

From: Didge you sleep: a feasibility study of didgeridoo training for obstructive sleep apnea



What did you like least about sessions?

Experience practicing between sessions?

Future plans?



“No fun in it. Would like it to be more creative to continue using it. Teach music aspect of it to be interesting”

“Boring, need a goal”

“Plan to play it, continue to use it”


“Very good”

“Long drive to get here”

“No trouble, no problems. Practiced in livingroom, and granddaughter didn't like it”

“I see playing it once in a while”


“Tempered by guilt for not playing the didgeridoo enough”

“The sound quality [of video session]”

“Inspiring. I felt I was doing something for my health. I would practice when I thought of the consequence of not treating sleep apnea”

“At home, alone. I'm just going to have it near me. I enjoy playing it. My only concern is that it will wake people up”


“I really enjoyed the sessions. I enjoyed them a great deal.”


“I enjoyed it but I have to say that a lot of the time I had to practice in the car or outside due to interference from my wife”

“I have put it aside. You can't play a tune with it. I use it once in a while”


“Fun, adventure, a good thing. The concept is great”

“Sound quality and accent of speaker [on video]”

“Relaxing and therapeutic. Even my wife got used to it and wouldn’t mind if she heard it while watching tv”

“I will continue to play. I really enjoy it. I actually tried to make a shorter, travel size didgeridoo”