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Table 1 Variables used in the path model

From: From good sleep to health and to quality of life – a path analysis of determinants of sleep quality of working adults in Abu Dhabi




Satisfaction with residence. The housing satisfaction variable was developed based on responses to the question “How do you rate your overall satisfaction regarding your current residence?” The question used a five-point scale (1 to 5) from very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Income satisfaction. The income satisfaction variable was based on the question “Is your household able to make ends meet, namely, to pay for its usual necessary expenses?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Number of sleeping hours. The number of sleep hours variable was based on the question ‘How many hours do you usually sleep every day?”


Subjective sleep quality. The sleep quality variable was based on the question “How do you rate the quality of your sleep at night?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from very bad to very well


Satisfaction with work-life balance. The work-life balance variable was based on the question “How satisfied are you with the current balance between your job and home life?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Subjective physical health. The subjective physical health variable is self- assessment of current health status, resulted from the question “In general, how do you assess your current health status?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from poor to excellent


Subjective obesity. The subjective obesity question asked respondents “In your opinion, to what extent do you consider yourself obese?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from not obese to very obese


Subjective mental health. This is a composite of eight subjective mental health-related items: worry or anxiety, remembering things, sleeping problems, physical pain, fear, loneliness, boredom, and emotionally stressed. The questions asked “During the past four weeks, how much of a problem did you have with the following?” All questions used a five point scale (1 to 5) from not at all to a great extent


Frequency of eating healthy food. This variable was based on the question “How often do you think you eat a healthy diet?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from never to all the time


Physical and sport activities. This variable was based on the question “How often do you do physical exercise (minimum of 30 min) in the last 4–6 months?” The question used a five point scale (1 to 5) from never to daily


Satisfaction with social connections. This is a composite of three variables focused on satisfaction with social relationship with family and friends. All questions used a five point scale (1 to 5) very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Satisfaction with surrounding environment. This is a composite of three variables measuring satisfaction with air quality, noise pollution, and surrounding environment. All questions used a five point scale (1 to 5) very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Amount of time online. This variable was based on the question “On average how many hours do you usually spend online a day?”