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Table 1 Questionnaires used in the Young Adult Clinic

From: Impairment in sleep health in young adults with chronic pain: a modifiable risk factor





Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)

Day time sleepiness

Range from 0–24

11–14 mild symptoms

15–17 moderate symptoms

18–24 severe symptoms

Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-10)

Self efficacy

Range from 0–60

 ≤ 30/60 indicates low self efficacy and predicts less sustainable functional gains

 ≥ 40/60 indicates higher self efficacy and are associated with clinically significant functional levels

Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)

Depression symptom screening

Range from 0–27

0–4 minimal – depression treatment not required

5–9 mild symptoms

10–14 moderate symptoms

15–19 moderately severe symptoms

20–27 severe symptoms

Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS)

Catastrophizing thoughts related to pain

Range from 0–52

Score ≥ 30/52 suggests clinically relevant level of catastrophizing


Measure and track the development of skills adolescents need to acquire to manage their health and healthcare

Range from 0–28

Higher scores indicate more readiness for transition into adult health care